Get Hair Growth with Alopecia Angel

Proven Holistic Program to Reverse, Treat, and Prevent Alopecia and other types of Hairloss

Alopecia Angel is dedicated to those seeking a holistic, natural, and safe approach to healing Alopecia from the inside out! The main force behind Alopecia Angel is a deep desire to help individuals achieve what I achieved with a natural treatment option, a well-rounded approach to health, wellness, and reversing Alopecia naturally without antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, cortisone shots to the head, or embarrassing creams. Needless to say, I didn't want additional side effects to the medicine, rather, I wanted to support my body in it's natural way of healing, which I have accomplished for myself and others!

Holistic Approach to Wellness & Healing Alopecia

The Alopecia Angel Way

Our approach to healing, hair growth, wellness, and overall well-being is holistic. We consider mind, body, and spirit.   We take into account every aspect of your life, health, and lifestyle.  In order to have the greatest results, all areas of your life are examined and modified. Everything we use, recommend, and promote is safe, healthy, organic, and natural. Obtained easily from any health food store, online, or made at home. Results and side effects include hair growth, a healthier environment, increased peace, increased energy, new learnings, happiness, and upgrading your health all around! I come forth with a natural way to approach illness. Everyone wants a pill or one solution to cure all their problems, and that doesn't work for all diseases, let alone an autoimmune diseases. We look at root causes and look for opportunities to enhance health.  As I realized I needed to take inventory in all areas of my life, I was able to get to the root cause and heal from the inside out. My objective is to help everyone with Alopecia.  I truly believe you can reverse it like many other autoimmune diseases.  I believe in the natural way of healing. It has worked for me, and with time and patience, you too can see results. Let me help you support your body and immune system. You will be amazed at what your body can do once this happens. 

What We Do

We have created a whole program based on medical research, functional medicine, holistic health, my own personal trials and errors, my own struggles and wins, experience with growing my hair and helping clients - to ensure healing Alopecia happens naturally, looking inward and shining outward.  I am now back to normalcy and back to being me, with a full head of hair and Alopecia free for more than five years. Our program is holistic in perspective, comprehensive, and 100% natural. No side effects. All ingredients 100% safe, natural, and easily obtained at your local health food store. The beautiful part of my program? The success others are having with various types of Alopecia from Areata to Universalis, AGA, and more, regardless of how long they've had it for!  Check out the Success Stories page to see client's results and testimonials!


My Why - Who Is Alopecia Angel

After seeing results with my multi-tiered natural Alopecia treatment, targeting mind, body, nutrition, environment, and other elements, I decided I wanted to share my findings and let others know that a natural, safe, and holistic method does in fact exist to regrow hair from Alopecia. Read more about my path, struggle, and healing. 

Get to know more about me, Your Alopecia Angel through this link. 

"The secret to getting ahead is getting started" - Mark Twain


Click this video to hear from Alopecia Angel Founder + Creator 


3 Ways We Can Get Started Together...


Alopecia Angel is here to support you in your journey to find encouragement and healing to gain back your hair and health. Reach out to us, join our community, and inspire someone by sharing my podcasts.

Listen to the Podcast Now 🎙️



90% see hair growth in less than 2 months and many see hair growth and changes in less time, some in 2-6 weeks if not less… what are you waiting for? Hair growth and health is your birthright and inside the Hair N' Heal program, we show you step by step, how to recalibrate, balance, and support your body for healing, hair growth, and harmony from the inside out. Learn from someone who had alopecia, healed and reversed alopecia naturally. In addition, see the success stories of clients from over 60 countries, women, men, and children alike who are reversing hair loss and alopecia. We are focused on results and focused on healing using organic and holistic methods.

100% natural and organic. See how you, too, can see results in less time.

Inside the HAIR N' HEAL Program

  • 90% see hair growth in less than 2 months
  • On average, it takes 4-6 weeks to stop the hair shedding and hair fall.
  • If you are bald, it takes an average 6 months to see full recovery from alopecia universalis or alopecia totalis.
Know more about the Hair N' Heal Program



Over thousands of clients in over 66 countries have found healing their hair loss naturally...


This is our client's progress and how healing is possible!

Maria F.

Progress inside the Hair N' Heal Program

“Everything looks healthier to me. THANK YOU Johanna for sharing your knowledge in your program and helping me get so far. I really can’t wait for more hair growth and to continue this journey!!!” 

Danyel testimonial... Wow! I mean, things are amazing!! My Hair is amazing and doesn’t fall out anymore!! My health is great! I’m still basically in the same diet as when I started with you! I just feel great overall!!  I am always grateful I found you!! I’ll attach a pic of my hair now! ❤️ I do have a love for wigs though 😍 I’m just more secure in myself and losing my hair and finding you was a blessing….. both because they taught me so much!


Wow! I mean, things are amazing!! My Hair is amazing and doesn’t fall out anymore!! My health is great! I’m still basically in the same diet as when I started with you! I just feel great overall!!

I am always grateful I found you!! I’ll attach a pic of my hair now! ❤️ I do have a love for wigs though 😍 I’m just more secure in myself and losing my hair and finding you was a blessing….. both because they taught me so much!


I can’t thank you enough for connecting with him and being the person that really made a difference in him being on board and finding the root cause. He has hair! He is happy and actually looks healthy. He is running D1 cross country and track at University. He is thriving. Thank you!!


...a massive attitude adjustment, a little gym time, my supportive wife, and of course YOU!! ❤❤ Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for selflessly sharing what took you years to figure out on your own. You are a big part of getting the best years of my life back and helping me feel and realize that 50 really is the new 30.

Client with AGA

This client has AGA, or Androgenic Alopecia. Many say it's genetics, and even with that diagnosis, I am helping her and many other with female pattern baldness get healthy and grow their hair back!


A cancer survivor,
now an alopecia champion.

Mom with 3 kids

From Alopecia Universalis to hair growth in 10 weeks


Virginia, United States

She was diagnosed in January of 2018 with Alopecia Areata. We did several different forms of treatment with the dermatologist and after about a year I told them no more. We found you in June of 2019! After about 6-8 months, we started seeing real results and she has had full hair growth since about March of this year. Your program has been such a blessing to us and for her!

Not sure where she would be if it was not for your program and all your hard work that you have put into it. Thank you!


Now, she is a happy girl with a head full of hair!

I wish I had found Alopecia Angel years ago. My daughter went from Alopecia Totalis (just before she turned 2, and now at almost 5 years old she has total regrowth and is healthier than she has never been before.

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"...more and more children are being diagnosed with a variety of autoimmune diseases at an early age."
Did you know?
There could be prescriptions given to you that might be affecting your health and hair.

According to NAAF (National Alopecia Areata Foundation), “While none of the medications or devices commonly used to treat alopecia areata are approved specifically for this disease by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they have been approved for other diseases

The Alopecia Roadmap is the typical journey our clients see... from hopeless to hopeful, from action to results to hair loss to hair growth!


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