
The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

This episode delves into the possibility of preventing hair loss, highlighting the importance of having the right formula, understanding predisposing factors and adopting the right steps.Ā 

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Hello everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I'm your host Johanna Dahlman and today we are going to be talking about preventing hair loss. I got this question the other day and I thought it was phenomenal that this person had asked me. And so, the thing is, can you prevent hair loss? Yes, you can. You can prevent hair loss, just like you can prevent disease, just like you can prevent anything else, but in order to do that, what do we need to do? We need to find and have the right steps. We need to have the right formula, the right formula for us. Also understand everything about us in terms of what would potentially predispose us to hair loss to begin with.

Looking back on my own journey, if I would have prevented alopecia from happening, yes, I would have done that, but at the same time, you know, those 4 years of struggle, absolutely 100% positively changed my life, really showed me what I'm capable of, really showed me that amidst a lack of information, amidst a lack of help, amidst a lack of quote unquote possibilities, I forged my own path and I created my own path in order to heal. I struggled hours, hours upon hours, years, months, it took everything out of me for me to get better and to heal and do that without a guide, to do that without a plan, to do that without a framework, to do that without a proven method, to do that without a program such as the Hair N' Heal program, right? I had to do this all from nothing and that in and of itself is something huge. Like I've mentioned in other podcast episodes, it is and it was my Mount Everest. It was the biggest challenge I've ever had to overcome and it was so worth it.

Now that the whole world is on stage for the Olympics, I get to read and see these Olympians who spent years training, who spent years doing many things that maybe they didn't want to do, maybe that they didn't like, maybe they were too tired. Maybe they just didn't feel like it and yet they still did in order to make it to the Olympics, in order to go for the gold. I gotta tell you, I doubt, doubt, doubt that any Olympian goes into the Olympics trying to just win bronze. Right? They don't want to settle for bronze, everyone wants to go for the gold. So in the same token, can we prevent hair loss? Absolutely. Can we go for the gold and heal it even though hair loss can sneak up behind us and give us the challenges that we're facing now? Absolutely we can. So we can heal regardless of how long, how much time has passed, regardless of race, ethnicity where you live, etc. We can heal the hair loss.

Now going back to the prevention, this is a big one, right? I may ruffle a little feathers here, but I would say, if we had a better training, better education system and not just in the US, but this is worldwide because this epidemic is happening worldwide. Anyone and everyone having hair loss is worldwide, it's not just in one country, right? And so theĀ thing is, if we had a better system of understanding ourselves and given a manual, then this would be a lot easier to navigate, but at the same time, no, one's given a manual. You are coming out of your mom's uterus and no one's given a manual on how to parent, no one's given a manual on how to feed a child, on how to take care of the child, on how to bathe, on how to cuddle or anything else. Granted, some things are instinctive, some things are innate. But at the other side of things, It's all a very confusing.

Something as natural as giving birth can also be very confusing, something as natural as, as growing your hair or as simple as stopping the hair loss can also be very confusing. All of it can be confusing because there's a multitude of factors and there's a multitude of things that actually take place. So what I've seen recently is that I've actually had a lot of customers come to me and these are brand new clients who've said: Hey, you know what? I had alopecia areata, I had one little bald spot 3 years ago, I had one little bald spot 10 years ago and nothing's happened and it just grew back in. I'm saying: Great, well good for you that it just grew back in because you know that is a part of autoimmune alopecia where you may have a little bald spot let's say at 20 years of age or 7 years old or at 50 years old and then it can grow back in. For sure, that's definitely possible and it's happened to many people.

The other side of that is like: Okay, well, what if another one happens, another one comes about, what if next time it's actually a bigger deal than the first time, or maybe the third time it's a bigger deal in the first time, right? This is where we get into the vicious cycle situation. My thing is like, if you can prevent it. and have the tools, techniques, and skills now, then guess what? You don't have to fear or loathe or even wait for that situation to happen. So that's one way of taking control of your health and of your hair loss right now. Let's say you are in that boat where you've had one little bald spot years ago and It healed, and you're done with it, and you think you're done, and you've surpassed alopecia. Well, lo and behold, you haven't, because if you don't know why or how that came about, then this is probably part of the problem. More than likely, it can come back, right? This is the situation where you want to anticipate that, right?

And so, for example when I was growing up and I was going out at night and I was in my 20s and going out late at night in order to protect myself. My family said: Hey, why don't you take karate? Or: Hey, why don't you take some sort of defense classes so that should somebody want to attack you or kidnap you or do this or do that? And I said: No, I don't need that, I'm okay. But what's the other side of that? Another way to protect myself would be to have pepper spray, right? And so I actually did have pepper spray in my car for me, just in case should anything happen. I was in a moment of distress. And so, I didn't do the defense classes, but I did take on the pepper spray, right?

And so in this same situation, you can decide to do a full program of the Hair N' Heal program in order to prevent any future hair loss. Or just for knowledge base so that you don't have to go through it. And so whether it's postpartum, whether it's for androgenic alopecia, autoimmune alopecia, or any other type of alopecia, you can prevent it. SoĀ yes, this is absolutely worthwhile knowledge and education so that you can prevent hair loss from even happening.

Even let's say if you are that, you know, young adult or young person, and you're like: Hey, my mom has absolute hair loss or my aunt has hair loss or my father has hair loss and I'm looking like I may have that same situation. Well, we can circumvent that situation and stop the hair loss before it even starts. When I start reading through these intake forms, I start to read and understand people's lives and how this has all come about. Sometimes, especially for those with female pattern baldness, this actually came about decades earlier. This started when you were 19, when you were 20, when you were 29, and now you're in your 50s and 60s and you're still dealing with the situation and it's gotten worse, and only because that it's gotten worse, now you want to do something about it.

But what about if we were to turn the tables and say: Hey, what if at 19 or 29, when you first started seeing a little bit of hair loss, you did something about it and you did something about it naturally so that you would be prepared should anything happen later on in the future? Like that would be a very proactive way of dealing with it. That's also another way that we can prevent hair loss, just like preventing disease, right? If they say: Oh, you want to prevent wrinkles, well, you should wear sunscreen and a hat. If you want to prevent, you know, diabetes, you should eat low sugar fruits and do this and do that. If you want to remain heart healthy, you should exercise, right? And so these are all things to prevent X, Y, Z. So can we prevent hair loss? Absolutely.

Now, for the most of us, and I include myself into this, alopecia came into our life out of nowhere. In hindsight, it is out of somewhere and it is makes real sense if you start analyzing it and taking it apart and at the same time it has changed my life for the good. For those of you who are currently in the journey or currently in the situation of hair loss, it may not seem that way, but I will say when you get to the other side with the light at the end of the tunnel, I will say it is a blessing. I'm hugely indebted and grateful for alopecia. I say that now, cause again, it allowed me to get pregnant at 40, it allowed me to do all these things that potentially, maybe others haven't defied or maybe would seem taboo. For a lot of times, especially in the beginning when I had my hair loss and I came out saying: Hey, I healed it and this is how and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, many people thought that this was a lie. I thought that this was like, like I'm wearing a wig and I'm not.

The thing is, it's like, that just goes back to showing how people can not see the light in themselves, not see that opportunity, not see that possibility in themselves. That's the sad part, right? Because I have my hair, I'm happy as can be and I'm grateful as can be and I'm so happy that I've learned my lesson and that now I can pick myself up and mosey on into my, to my next stage of life, right? The thing is, it's like many times when the universe wants to teach you something, it's going to teach you something one way or another or another or another until you finally get it, or until you actually listen. Sometimes when we start to listen, it's when the situation has gotten real big, real quick.

And so for me, losing my hair was that big situation where I was like: Okay, my whole life is stopping because now I'm paying attention and I'm paying attention with real detail and every little thing, every little aspect of it, I paid attention to because that is what was needed for me to heal. Now, with you, you have a proven framework, you have everything laid out, and this is actually quite possible to do, you just follow the steps and bam, you're in. But at the same time, that struggle was huge. So going back to preventing hair loss, absolutely we can. We can prevent, you know, cancer, we can prevent emphysema, we can prevent so many other diseases, including hair loss. We can, but we gotta be proactive. We got to be above and ahead of the curve, and so in order to do that, we need to get the tools, skills, education techniques in place. And of course implement, cause that's all part of it.

So again, can you heal and reverse hair loss? Yes. Is it ever too late? No. Can you prevent hair loss? Absolutely, you can and I believe that the sooner the better. The thing is, it's like when we do have hair loss, it's a call to action, it's a call to action to wake up and to do something now. It really is because, without that call to action, without that waking up effect, then we're just going to get into a more severe case of hair loss, which will trickle down into other aspects of our life. If we are fearful, uncertain and anxious and depressed with our hair loss, feeling isolated and alone and misunderstood and hopeless, then that's going to trickle down into career and to family and to partnerships and to relationships and to every aspect of your life and to even your hobbies, your creativity, your, you know, the things you like to do. It all has a trickle down effect.

And so, the sooner you can listen to that call of action, the sooner you can take action, the better it is. So let us know we have a free training going on email us at any point if you have any questions or concerns [email protected] Please rate and review our podcast, this is the way that others are able to hear more about it and to see that it is possible a) To heal and reverse but b) To also maintain this because years later, you can still have your hair growth. This is the way that I want everyone to live with your hair growth, full of vibrancy, full of health and wellness, because this is the true meaning of life, being fully vibrant with all your faculties with all your health. This is the way we were meant to be, this is your birthright, this is what is deemed for everybody and it's a choice and it's an option for everybody.

Thank you so much, I look forward to talking to you next time. Take care.