Johanna Dahlman

Healing Alopecia Naturally

Hi! My name is Johanna and my story starts back when I first got Alopecia. Like most, I never even knew what Alopecia was until I was diagnosed. I had visible symptoms of Alopecia along with other symptoms that at the time, I didn't realize were part of having an autoimmune disease.  I didn't pay too much attention to it all until my hairdresser of over 20+ years, pointed it out and diagnosed me. 
I had one dime to nickel-sized bald spot in the back of my head. Since I had plenty of hair, I thought it was no big deal, especially since it started in the back of my head. That day, in the salon, I learned how bad things could get... and they did. I was going through many transitions, but as I look back, diet and lifestyle were key to my healing... and I, like most, thought I was "healthy" until I learned otherwise. Health has a different meaning and definition once you have Alopecia. Therefore the process of healing is also different. I went to see doctors, with surmounting out-of-pocket costs in California, Colorado, and Europe. All with no results, all with the same unhelpful approach filled with pharmaceuticals and no guarantees of healing. By this time, shedding was non-stop, hair loss was increasing daily, bigger bald spots had appeared and grown, not to mention receding hairline and loss of eyebrows.  Healthcare as I knew it had failed me, I needed something different.  As I analyzed my situation and weighed my options, fear crept in. I took the cortisone shots once and tried the cream too. Learning later that the cream has a 10% effective rate (if it works), I stopped it immediately,  I didn't want the side effect to that or the shots, let alone, I didn't want it to hinder my fertility. (yes many medications for alopecia harm fertility for both women and men!)
I moved out of state with my fiancé to Europe as he had a job offer there. I tried to see what over-the-counter meds they had and what other forms of treatment they had as well. As I tried some more things, the Alopecia got worse. My little spot turned into another spot and it started getting bigger and spreading to other areas in the back of my head. In addition, my hair by this point was coming out immensely in the shower, thinning all around, and each time I brushed my hair, I would see the whole brush, covered as if I had brushed a shaggy dog. I had never seen so much hair come out in the shower or on my brush at one time.  As winter approached my depressive state worsened. I had a trip planned to see family in California, where I saw some more doctors and received treatment. (the one-time cortisone shots and cream) The cream didn't work and the shots were a mere band-aid as my condition got better slightly, then worsened. False hope with the shots. Don't do it! After the New Year, I started looking at natural medicine and holistic healing. I had another trip planned to the States in April; armed with information, I started my journey through diet and lifestyle changes. I nursed myself back to health, realizing certain things I needed and the order of importance. It was quite the journey of trials and errors, but once I made headway, I knew I was on the right path. At this point, I felt more relief, because although I wasn't 100% healed, I knew I was on the right track and full healing and hair growth would be coming soon. As my confidence boosted, I started to run into people on the street who also had Alopecia. The more I talked about it, the more people started asking me about it and telling me their problems with hair loss. The more I researched, the more I was determined to heal myself - my thought was, "If I had hair before, why wouldn't I have hair again?" Coincidently, the more openly I spoke about it, the more people I came to know whom we're dealing with it, and many for longer than I had. The desperation in their eyes was the same as mine. Now, with results on my head, holes filling up, hair growth coming along, and feeling better, I finally regained my normalcy (mental, emotional and physical health), and my confidence had boosted and the integrity of my hair had come back. I've always been known for my mane, big curly hair, just like this picture. But that all changed with alopecia. I know and understand how you are feeling. To make matters worse I was also dealing with grey hairs.... but that's another story.
I am happy to report, that my program works. (See Success Stories) and for all types of Alopecia. Once I healed completely, I knew others would benefit as well. My only desire is to spread the word and help everyone as much as possible, as there is an effective way to naturally heal Alopecia, naturally heal yourself for good, without the fear of alopecia returning or coming back. You actually have more control than you think. It's now been over 5+ years without alopecia and more hair and health than before alopecia ever happened. Diet & lifestyle is key, effort and time are needed along with patience, as most likely your body reacted out of nowhere. Your body was triggered which led you to this point. Many people want a quick remedy or solution, but many times it's a full-circle approach, a holistic approach including diet and lifestyle changes that are needed to make permanent changes. This is how I healed and am happy to help you through your journey too!  Now more than 5+ years of alopecia free, my mission is to help others with alopecia and other types of hair loss, reverse it naturally. I know you can heal and without the need to waste time and money on medications that don't work and have many negative side effects. Truth be told, I didn't want any of those side effects to be another cause of concern, that's why ultimately, I knew if I had hair once, I would have hair again. I bet on myself and my health. I know our bodies can reverse disease if only we support it. This is what I teach, not just how to heal, but how to keep alopecia at bay, long term, for life. I am fully dedicated to this cause, writing books, creating programs, and speaking professionally about Alopecia; how with changes to our lives we can see positive changes in our health, we just need to unlearn the old ways and learn the new ways towards true health! 
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Alopecia Awareness & Speaking Engagements

πŸ“… Keynote Speaker - ASCE American Association of Civil Engineers 
πŸ“… Interview: Hairless Awareness Podcast
πŸ“… Interview: Raw & Real Podcast
πŸ“… Antler Global: Health and Wellness Series 2019-2020
πŸ“… Boston University - Alopecia + Health Webinar
πŸ“… Keynote Speaker - ASCE American Association of Civil Engineers
πŸ“… Podcast Interview: True Wellness XR
πŸ“… Podcast Interview: Secrets For An Inspirational Life With Mimi Novic
πŸ“… Podcast Interview: Digital Savage Experience

Holistic Approach to Wellness & Healing Alopecia

The Alopecia Angel Way

Our approach to healing, hair growth, wellness, and overall well-being is holistic. We consider mind, body, and spirit.   We take into account every aspect of your life, health, and lifestyle.  In order to have the greatest results, all areas of your life are examined and modified. Everything we use, recommend, and promote is safe, healthy, organic, and natural. Obtained easily from any health food store, online, or made at home. Results and side effects include hair growth, a healthier environment, increased peace, increased energy, new learnings, happiness, and upgrading your health all around! I come forth with a natural way to approach illness. Everyone wants a pill or one solution to cure all their problems, and that doesn't work for all diseases, let alone an autoimmune disease. We look at root causes and look for opportunities to enhance health.  As I realized I needed to take inventory in all areas of my life, I was able to get to the root cause and heal from the inside out. My objective is to help everyone with Alopecia.  I truly believe you can reverse it like many other autoimmune diseases.  I believe in the natural way of healing. It has worked for me, and with time and patience, you too can see results. Let me help you support your body and immune system. You will be amazed at what your body can do once this happens. 
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